FFF SMILE // Digital Climate Communication
Workshop at the European #FridaysForFuture Summit #SmileForFuture in Lausanne, Switzerland, 06-Aug-2019
// Understand and use the latest trends and tactics in the Climate Commnication
/ Speaker: Chris used to be ‘Global Vice President – Digital Marketing’ at Microsoft & Nokia (www.linkedin.com/in/chrissch/), before he ‘retired’ and roamed the world for the past 5 years, helping StartUps and Hotels around the world to enhance their Marketing Strategy. Nowadays he uses his knowledge to help the Climate Movement full-time.
He contributes to the www.FridaysForFuture.de movement in the national ‘Structure, Social Media and the Platform Workgroup ’, for FFF Frankfurt a. M. local group and increasingly internationally.
In addition he works for the www.ParentsForFuture.de movement in the ‘20.09. Planning & Partner Workgroup’ and has helped at the German big events: #AC2106/#EndeGelände, #StoppRamstein, #SoKoFuture, #SMILEforFuture and diverse strikes in Frankfurt and Dortmund.
In this Workshop he will convey as much knowledge to the young activists as possible, as the time to save our Climate is running out
/ Target Audience: Everybody who wants to enhace their Climate Marketing Strategy.
// Workshop: starting with the latest FFF statistics, the workshop covers overall climate marketing best practices, Social Media Listening Analysis (Germany: #FridaysForFuture) and Social Media planning, execution and measurement best practices. Many real-life examples will be analyzed and discussed.
/// Goal: Competence building in Digital Climate Marketing
SPECIAL: Social Media Listening DeepDives mit 6 months Data and Insights on FFF Germany FB/IG/TW Channels.
/// Links
https://fffutu.re/Tools (useful FFF Tools)
https://fffutu.re/PersonaTool (create Personas)
https://fffutu.re/StoryTelling (Guide to Digital Storytelling for Social Change)
https://fffutu.re/UmweltKommunikation (Psychological Guide, german)
https://fffutu.re/FallenChance (Traps & Chances in Climate Communication, german)
https://fffutu.re/Moderation (How to moderate comments, german)
https://fffutu.re/UBAStudie (Study on German Climate Perception, german)
// also check: