A selection of the diverse Cimate Change Solutions…

Ho do we get to Zero Greenhouse Gas Emission? By InformationIsBeautiful
A new consultation paper from McKinsey and the World Economic Forum explores the role that natural climate solutions can play in helping to address climate change and the destruction of nature.

The Beautiful Solutions Gallery and Lab is an interactive space for sharing the stories, solutions and big ideas needed to build new institutional power and point the way toward a just, resilient, and democratic future.

Within each of these sectors are solutions to climate change with actions that can be taken today:
- Electricity – Energy Transition
Food, Agriculture, and Land Use
Health and Education
Land Sinks
Coastal and Ocean Sinks
Engineered Sinks
Project Drawdown: Climate Solutions 101 is the world’s first major educational effort focused solely on solutions.

These social tipping interventions comprise:
- removing fossil-fuel subsidies
- incentivizing decentralized energy generation
- building carbon-neutral cities
- divesting from assets linked to fossil fuels
- revealing the moral implications of fossil fuels
- strengthening climate education and engagement
- disclosing greenhouse gas emissions information
Psychology of Environmental Protection – Handbook for Encouraging Sustainable Actions – summarizes environmental psychology’s treasure of knowledge in a scientifically profound and practical way.

Climate Emergency Declaration places by CEDAMIA – Climate Emergency Declaration and Mobilisation in Action
Compensators.org aims to buy up all CO₂ certificates in Europe, so the industry runs out of them and needs to implement real Climate Action – A great Gift! [DE]
#TomorrowDerFilm [DE]
DOWN to EARTH – Film now available globally to stream here
Doughnut Economics Action Lab Turning Doughnut Economics from a radical idea into transformative action.

ClimateActionTracker’s Evaluation methodology for national net zero targets (PDF):