On this page you will find a collection of great digital work on the topic of mastering the ClimateCrisis.

To stimulate your ideas, you can get acquainted with what others have done by perusing Actipedia, a user-generated database with thousands of creative actions divided by region, issue, medium, and, especially, effectiveness.

Get inspired by the most creative action experts in the world, including the Yes Men – ‘Laughtivism‘!
Here is their offline Toolbox.
350.org has put together a presentation of interesting digital tactics.
A great example of Laughtivism – a Spoof Website is [DE] – a responds to the German Government trying to deflect their responsibility of the #ClimateCrisis to its citizens https://www.wieklickstdu.de/ (has since been taken offline).

Book Tips
How We Win: If anyone knows, it’s George Lakey, who’s been a guiding light of non-violent resistance since the Civil Rights struggle. (Here’s a webinar in which George talks about the book.)
The Path of Most Resistance: A great resource for planning campaigns by Ivan Marovic, one of the founders of Otpor (which helped overthrow Milosevic in 2000) and CANVAS (which went around counseling other movements in how to do it). Here’s a webinar in which Ivan talks about the book.
A Perfect Moral Storm: The Ethical Tragedy Of Climate Change (Environmental Ethics And Science Policy) by Stephen M. Gardiner
A fantastic list of books from CANVAS (Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies) – must reads.
4 new Science Fiction & Fantasy Novels that talk about #ClimateChange.
Numerous new books about Climate Change reviewed by Yale University.
Storytelling Examples (practical tips here)

Great Digital Storytelling examples (interactive, animated, beautiful!):
NPR: Beyond the poles: How melting ice affects everyone
French Wineries adopting to Climate Change, beautifully animated by WSJ.
Big oil’s dirty secret in Iraq – Unearth’s story about BBC News Arabic’s documentary ‘Under Poisoned Skies’
TagesSpiegel – Interactive Page on the EACOP-Pipeline [DE]
NYT – How Decades of Racist Housing Policy Left Neighborhoods Sweltering
National Geographic – Your Climate, Changed – analyzed 2,500 populated areas across the globe in order to understand what a climate-changed world could feel like in 50 years.
Common misconceptions about UN Goals (SDGs – Sustainable Development Goals) – a very well-designed Quiz…take it!
BBC – Six graphics that explain climate change
Sueddeutsch Zeitung – KlimaZentrale [DE]
Sueddeutsche Zeitung – Anatomie einer Katastrophe [DE]
Earthtime – Stories that unlock Earth’s data
Skeptical Science – Global Warming & Climate Change Myths
ClimateJusticeAlliance – Story Snapshot Podcast
MinutesForFuture – in Minuten bedeutsames für den Klimaschutz tun [DE]
Bloomberg Data Dash:A Live Climate Scoreboard for the World
350.org – The 2020 Climate Election Test
Greta Thunberg’s interactive Timeline
Applying AI to the environmental challenge: technology is (not yet) ready to save us from ourselves.
Mapping where the earth will become uninhabitable – where populations are projected to be hit hardest with our 3D interactive visualisation.

Great example of a ‘Get Involved‘ Page with emphasis on sharing your messages
FridaysForFuture #FightFor1Point5 Campaign – Sharing Page

Make it as easy as possible for Influencers (and everyone with a following) to share pre-written posts, pix and widgets! Another great example is the #FightFor1Point5 Share Page.
To take the sharing of your message or action one step further, check out ‘adding an image/code’ to your site that auto-updates to the current message/action (also available as WordPress Plugin).
For the questionable Lufthansa Corona Bailout, this German Sharing Page [DE} offers alternative spending options of EUR9,000,000,000. Here’s a similar page for the German new car subsidy: AbfckPrämie [DE] and the millions spent on chopping down the Dannenröder Forrest to make way for another Autobahn [DE]

Remind your political national leaders to save the climate with this Twitter Tool.
Calculate your carbon emissions, adjust dynamically your lifestyle and become carbon neutral – all in one web-solution by ClimatePartner.
“Climate Excuses” makes you fit for discussions
An exceptional entertainment tool (quiz) based on an MCC study helps you familiarise yourself with the argumentation patterns of climate protection preventers.

UN Climate Neutral now – Climattitude Quiz, carbon footprint calculator & carbon offsetting
CHOOOSE – support some of the most impactful CO2-reducing projects
Earth Day’s Climate Change Quiz & Washington Post’s Climate Change Quiz
Beautiful Trouble Strategy Card Deck
In the Climate Change game KEEP COOL you’re a “global player”.
Climate Interactive – World Climate Change Policy Simulator Game & Climate Action Simulation Group Role-Play Game
Projekt Zukunft [DE] – Das Brett-Klimaspiel von FriendsForFuture
UNDP – Mission 1.5 a game-changer

Climate (and others) Game for Kids and Adults by the EU.
Survive the Century is a branching narrative game about the political, environmental and social choices humans will face between 2021 and 2100 as we adapt to the ravages of climate change.

WeDontHaveTime – App

Vaccinator Quest – interactive online game, delivering Vaccines
Financial Times – The Climate Game — Can you reach net zero?