Campaign Planning


Campaigns are sustained efforts toward a specific outcome. 

They are a powerful way of strategically building group capacity and developing experience. At the same time, campaigns win solid victories for climate justice.

What is a Campaign? –

After deciding on the Theory of Change, every good campaign starts with the objective or goal.

Climate Advocacy Lab has developed a comprehensive worksheet to design a ‘Evidence-Based Communication Strategy‘.

Here is a comprehensive worksheet for your overall strategy which leads into a campaign:

pillars of power - strategy
pillars of power – strategy

Target Audience – choose your segmentation model for e.g. Germany: personas v1.0 [DE] or persona v2.0 [DE] or best: persona_v3.0.

MoreInCommon - Clusters
MoreInCommon – Clusters

Consider The Psychology of Climate Communication

Cognitive Bias Codex

Plan the entire campaign and establish KPIs.

campaign flow
campaign flow

Move your audience up the Engagement Pyramid.

Create awesome Content based on Stories.

Keep the big picture in mind and listen in.

campaign plan - big picture
campaign plan – big picture

European Changemakers have a nice Video Series on how to plan a campaign:

„Game On! A Practical Guide to Campaigning“ has been developed by Wigwam and finep

topic cloud